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MG 새마을금고 MG 새마을금고 MG 새마을금고

General Status of Social Contribution

“The more we share, the greater the love will be, the more we get together,
the more our love accumulates”

CC is a locally-born financial institution that upholds the spirit of mutual aid, following the nation’s ancient traditions of “Dure” and “Pumasi”, which reflect Korean ancestors’ virtue and wisdom. Seeking growth in partnership with local communities is a fundamental part of CC’s community spirit so that we undertake diverse social contribution activities, with the goal of improving members’ economic, social, and cultural welfare, and promoting the development of local communities. CC continues to expand the size and scope of these programs.

Value System

CC has been creating diverse values based on the clear mission and vision of social contribution to create a better life for the local community.

  • Mission
    Happy local
    to co-create
    with CC
  • Vision
    contribution to
    share warmness
    with local
  • Strategy
    Local Harmony
    Sharing of Happiness
    Value Growth
  • Slogan
    MG to light up
    a pleasant
    and happy
    world together
    with neighbors

Introduction to BI

  • 가로조합 가로조합
    세로조합 세로조합